Sitting on the desktop of our computer here, we have two little weather buttons. One has the local weather for Lousiville Kentucky, and one has the weather for Hamilton NZ. For months now, the two have been miles apart. We'd usually check and see that Hamilton was sitting at about 28 degrees, while Louisville was something like -10 degrees.
However, the gap has been slowly getting smaller, to the point where just a moment ago I checked them and Louisville was sitting at 17 degrees and Hamilton was 18 degrees - we're getting close! Admittedly it's midday here and only 6am in Hamilton, but it's still encouraging. Tomorrow, we're forcast to get 20 degrees. Not bad considering we're still in February (third month of winter).
There will still be some colder weather ahead, but it really feels like spring is just around the corner - it can't come soon enough. Anyhow, we're off for a bike ride...
Edit: It's now late March and we've had temperatures in the high twenties (celcius) as well as a couple of small snow falls since this blog post. One of the snow falls was only two days after a 28 degree day... Hopefully it will all calm down soon.