Well what a treat to wake up to a sprinkling of snow on our thanksgiving holiday morning. Well actually we awoke to Ashleigh's squeals of delight and quickly realised what the excitement was all about. We promptly got on as much snow gear as we could find and were outside by 7:15am playing in the snow. The kids were fascinated by the snow the entire day however after going for a bike ride in the afternoon Jack very adamantly declared "I do not like cold".
Just the day before we had spent thanksgiving with friends from seminary who cooked a massive turkey and various other sides and desserts. It was a lovely day and we have been made aware that thanksgiving is in many ways a feast of great proportion, more so than even Christmas. It's a time of being thankful, spending time with family and friends and eating massive amounts.
We were also told the morning of the snow arriving that some shoppers had camped out overnight in the snow to be the first through the doors of some of the bigger shops that were opening at 3am! Apparently the day after thanksgiving has become the biggest shopping day for US retailers. Similar perhaps to NZ's boxing day, just a whole lot bigger.
So the kids have had their first taste of thanksgivng, their first taste of snow and also their first real break from school since starting in August. It's been quite a special few days.